Early 2022 saw the opening of a kosher restaurant in Seattle’s Seward Park: Muriel’s All Day Eats. That turned out to be short-lived. That restaurant closed down permanently in November 2022, after about only 10 months in operation.

More importantly, however, the longstanding kosher pizzeria on Mercer Island, Island Crust Cafe, is NO LONGER CERTIFIED AS KOSHER by the Vaad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle. The owner has publicly announced his intention to reopen the restaurant WITHOUT ANY Kosher certification. Kashrut issues began at this restaurant in the Fall of 2022, and seemed to permanently doom the kosher status of this restaurant.

These two losses, coupled with the closure of Bamboo Garden in 2020 (surely a COVID-related loss) left the greater Seattle area with only the following kosher eateries remaining:
- Pabla Indian Cuisine
- Krispy Kreme
- Einstein Brothers Bagels @ University Village
- Teapot Vegetarian House