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Jezebel Changes Name and Certification

jezebel-j-logo-kosher-nyc-sohoSince it’s opening, Jezebel has faced many untrue rumors, mainly that it isn’t really kosher. Kosher diners have also taken issue with the name that is meant to be after a decades-old movie, but for most, it conjured up the biblical Israelite queen accused of being promiscous, thus an odd name for a kosher institution.

Due to these issues, Jezebel’s ownership has decided to rename itself “J Soho” which will allow them to keep their “J” logo. They are also changing their certification to the Orthodox Union (OU), a world renowned symbol of kashrut, that will be put them in the mainstream with kosher diners. They will also no longer serve non-mevushal wine.


We reviewed the restaurant a few weeks back and found the experience to be the most unique of any kosher restaurant in the NYC area.

Jezebel decided that these changes were the best decisions for the restaurant and their kosher keeping clientele. Only time will tell how these changes will affect the restaurant.

About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.


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  • I’m sad about the name change. I think the name Jezebel is very cool and if people aren’t going to eat at a kosher restaurant because of it’s name, they have some issues!

  • Let’s get it straight. Jezebel isn’t just an odd choice for a name. The people who chose it had to be smoking something. The main issue concerning Jezebel in the Hebrew Bible is not promiscuity; she set out to murder G-d’s prophets. See Kings 1, chapter 19 where she threatens to kill Elijah. How could anyone think this is a good name for a restaurant where kosher-observant Jews would eat?

    That they’ve now changed it to the generic “J,” a letter that has become synonymous with anything Jewish (J Date, J Street, J whatever) is somehow even more lame and desperate. Other than the review on, everyone I’ve spoken to has said this place is crazy prices for decent food. That’s why I’m saving my money for Pardes in Brooklyn or Nobo in Teaneck.

    • I agree with the name change as a business decision. However, I don’t agree with that name change. Agree that the “J” name is generic and meaningless.

    • I love the original name. It was clearly out of the box and from the first time I heard of it, there was an appeal, something made me stop and think about this place. Jezebel’s reputation for a must-dine experience is being talked about nationwide, and although they might have had a rocky start, they were thinking differently.

      The name J Soho doesn’t have the tiniest ounce of innovation, or subtle sex appeal that we look for in a dining experience. It sounds like a whole in the wall.

      I wish the place every success, and I sure hope they ran a focus group or two before moving away from a pretty powerful first impression.

  • What’s in a name? A rose by any other name smells as sweet. IMHO the anger over the name is nonsense. But the restaurant is great and I suppose they had to do this to keep the troops calm.

  • Being the only kosher restaurant to serve non mevushal wine is a huge deal to stop that too. I’m sorry I didn’t get to go before this ridiculous name change/pandering to frumies on super kashrut

  • The name change is very boring but the atmosphere is a lot of fun and great for those who want to eat out without feeling like they are in borough park. Let’s see if they change the not typically Jewish artwork on the walls or the sexy waitresses…..

  • If they think a name change will help business, I think thats a good decision, but I don’t eat at restaurants based on the name! I go by the food, who cares about the name? Jezebel sounds cool to me.

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