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Top 9 Board Games for Shabbat & Yom Tov

As a self-proclaimed board game fanatic, I grew up playing all of the board game classics. As an adult, I’ve outgrown the Monopoly and Guess Who’s of the gaming world (even RISK!) and I’ve graduated to strategy games: Games that make you think and don’t rely on too much luck or chance.

I think these are the types of games that help teach kids how to think and plan ahead as well as keep adults interested in playing more.

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For those staying home or visiting family for the holidays or a future Shabbos, these are amazing games for Shabbat and future chagim/yom tovim.

All of my picks are here in my Amazon store and can be ordered now if you want them before Pesach.

Here are my favorite picks – you can order them now and receive them well before the holiday via Amazon Prime:

  • The Settlers of Catan – this may be the greatest game of all time. It mixes the right amount of strategy, luck, and interpersonal play that makes this game one that you can play thousands of times and not get bored. Has great expansion sets for multiple versions and added players.
  • Carcassone – this is a world-building game that adults & older kids can learn easily but takes a while to master. Has great expansion sets.
  • Dominion – this is a deck-building game that anyone can be good at. The multitude of cards and expansions make this game fun for a long time.
  • 7 Wonders – this is a fun a quirky game that takes some time to learn but is fun when mastered. Has great expansion sets.
  • Agricola – this is the most difficult game of the set and I would only recommend this game to hard-core gamers. This game has next to no luck involved and requires the most strategic thinking.
  • Splendor – this game is easy to learn and play right out of the box.
  • Ticket to Ride – this game is great for adults and kids, and is also a great way to learn geography. Lots of map versions.
  • Monopoly Deal – this card game is almost nothing like the board game and can be completed really quickly. Kids and adults both enjoy this game, and it’s also easy to take on vacation.
  • Codenames – this word-based game is great for adults and older kids that helps you use your brain.

All of my picks are here in my Amazon store and can be ordered now if you want them before Pesach.

For those wanting to play a game that best describes the COVID-19/coronavirus spread, Pandemic is one that best teaches your family this phenomenon.

About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.