A new kosher pickle store dedicated to the fermented veggie has recently opened in Dallas, Texas. Pickletopia offers a huge assortment of pickles ranging from cucumbers in all flavors: half sour, sour, dill, Mediterranean, to the more interesting and unusual preserved vegetables, like Russian sauerkraut or bread-and-butter okra. This is kosher shop is definitely a nod to the old school pickle places of Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

Customers are free to come in and sample any of the variations before buying a container of the crunchy snack.
The store is located at 4812 Bryan Street in East Dallas across from Jimmy’s Food Store. Pickletopia has been approved with kosher certification from Dallas Kosher and will soon add a selection of olives to the barrels as well. They are opened 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Tuesday to Sunday.