Spend Pesach 2018 with Protexsia Plus+ at the luxurious and relaxing Daniel Hotel & Spa, Herzliya, Israel
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Guiding your Pesach experience will be hosts extraordinaire Harvey Tannenbaum and Shari Alter. Joining us for the sixth year in a row as our scholar in residence will be Rabbi Baruch Taub. Rabbi Taub, brings with him an illustrious background as the founding Rabbi of the “BAYT” a thriving and vibrant orthodox synagogue in the heart of Toronto and one of the largest orthodox synagogues in Canada. Rabbi Taub served the Toronto community for 30 years and made Aliya several years back. A brilliant speaker with a wonderful sense of humor, Rabbi Taub’s Divrei Torah strike a chord with audiences of all ages.
Please note:
- Pricing is quoted in US dollars for guests residing outside of Israel and in NIS for Israeli citizens.
- ALL Israeli citizens, living in Israel, regardless of whether they have dual citizenship, will be paying in NIS.
- Foreign passport holders who are NOT Israeli citizens and live abroad, will b
e paying in USD.
- Rates listed are PER NIGHT.
- HB rates include breakfast and dinner daily.
- BB rates include breakfast daily.
- Rates for Seder meals and lunch on Shabbat & Chag are listed separately.
- Rates for pre and post Pesach nights are available upon request.
We look forward to welcoming you at our engaging, exciting and entertaining Pesach 2018 in Herziliya.
In the U.S. contact Shari:
In Israel contact Harvey: