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Israel News

Kosher Japanese Fusion Launches in Rishon Letzion

A new kosher Japanese Fusion restaurant called Kyoto Nei has just opened in Rishon Letzion. The restaurant is under the same ownership as the non-kosher Kyoto, which has been open for over two decades in Herzliya Pituach.

The menu is a compilation of kosher versions of non-kosher dishes from the main restaurant – sushi, salmon teppanyaki, grilled skirt steak on a bed of glass noodles, a root vegetable salad and more.
The restaurant has a large bar area and plenty of seating areas.

Kyoto Nei is located at 7 Yaldei Teheran St, Rishon Letzion, Israel. It is kosher-certified by Rabbanut Rishon Letzion.

Kyoto Nei is open Sunday-Thursday, 12pm-11:30pm.

Thank you to Yehudah Jacobs (@theisraelifoodie) for compiling this article.

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