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BREAKING NEWS: Crumbs Bake Shop Has Lost its Kosher Certification

crumbs-bake-shop-kosherCrumbs Bakery has recently switched to a new bakery supplier which also produces non-kosher items. This move prompted the kosher certifier, Rabbi Cohen of OKS, to remove the kosher certification from Crumbs effective immediately, which we confirmed.

All of the Crumbs locations have been notified to remove their kashrut certificate from OKS, although some still remain up, and when we called a handful of locations, some Crumbs managers quoted that they are kosher under the OKS.

Additionally, the Rabbi from the New York State Kosher enforcement was notified as well. He is empowered to fine Crumbs bakeries that still display the kosher certification.

The Crumbs Bake Shop website does not state anywhere that it is kosher.

However, there are reports that some Crumbs locations are either under a different hashgacha or have a different bakery supplier (this has not been confirmed).

  • When calling the Crumbs on W42nd st near Times Square, they claimed to be under the hashgacha of Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka (whom we had never heard of). According to his website, he worked for the OK. It is not certain if this Crumbs location uses the same bakery as the former OKS supervised shops, but if it does, it should put its kashrut into question.
  • The Crumbs on Broad Street downtown displays a certificate from the OK listing specific products that are kosher, but the certification does not explicitly mention Crumbs Bakery, only the supplying bakery.  [H/T @efif1 on Twitter]


As always, we recommend asking questions before eating. If the Crumbs displays a kashrut certificate from OKS, it is not kosher, and you can list that location in the comments below.


Thank you David Gertler for the tips.

About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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