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New York News

New Kosher Dairy Restaurant in Midtown NYC: Lorelli’s

lorelli's-kosher-dairy-restaurant-midtown-nyc-yeahthatskosherExclusive Story:

While it is no secret that there have been many changes to the kosher scene in midtown NYC over the past year and a half, this secret has been kept under wraps for a few months now.

Schnitzel Express, the relatively new but successful schnitzel sandwich restaurant near Times Square, is currently expanding next door. The owner of Schnitzel Express has notified YeahThatsKosher that they are also launching a new dairy kosher restaurant next to it named Lorelli’s.

Lorelli’s is replacing a non-kosher crepe restaurant and is currently under construction. According to the owner, the restaurant should be ready for business by mid to late April.

On the menu at the new dairy eatery will be higher end Pizzas, Pasta, a Salad Bar, Sandwiches, Paninis, Pastries, and Breakfast options.

They are considering launching with waiter service, but that is still TBD.

The owner is currently in discussion with one of the major Kosher certification agencies about supplying their hashgacha. We will update the status as soon as it is announced.


View Schnitzel Express in a larger map

About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.


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