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Kosher Sports Arenas New York USA

Finding Kosher Food @ the US OPEN (Tennis) 2011 in Queens, NY

For those attending the US Open (Tennis) looking for Kosher food this summer, Kosher Sports, Inc, under the supervision of the Star K, will have the exclusive Kosher food cart at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing, Queens, NY. The stand will be located near Court 12 on the edge of the Food Village. Click here for the map of the grounds.

Kosher Sports, founded by Jonathan Katz back in 2003, has experience at the US Open venue and at the neighboring Citi Field. Here’s their 2011 menu:

  • Hot dogs (grilled)*
  • Sausages (grilled)
  • Pastrami dogs (grilled)
  • Pastrami sandwiches
  • Chicken Caesar wraps
  • Turkey wraps
  • Tuna wraps
  • Knishes
  • Pretzels

Yes, and apparently there will be a minyan each night at 7pm.

*I believe Yankee Stadium is the only remaining sports venue, with a Glatt Kosher option, that serves boiled hot dogs. How does a luxury team allow that? How come the Kosher observing Legends seat owners have not complained? Rant over.

(from Dani Klein):

Lines were long at the Kosher stand mentioned above, but the food was great (for the most part). Hot dog: Good. Sausage: GREAT! Knish: pass.

Also available is a massive selection of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, sundaes, shakes, etc. Hours after I enjoyed my kosher fleshigs above, I was able to enjoy some delicious “Sweet Cookies & Cream” on a sugarcone. Can’t beat that on a hot summer day.

Special offer for American Express cardmembers: If you check-in to the US OPEN via Foursquare or Facebook and sync your card, you can get $10 back on $20 worth of concession purchases at the US OPEN.

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