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New Kosher Japanese Restaurant in Binyamina, Israel: Yume

Binyamina, Israel, a town about an hour north of Tel Aviv, 15 minutes from Caeserea, the home to both the Tishbi and Binyamina Wineries, is a town filled with culture, and now some amazing authentic Japanese cuisine thanks to the newly established Yume.

The menu at Yume is built off the purity of flavor of the ingredients, and how to enjoy a healthy meal too, with all the non-raw dishes being either steamed or baked. For women who are pregnant and for those who are gluten free they offer salads and noodle dishes.

On the menu you’ll find a very large offering of sushi rolls, sashimi and nagiri dishes.  Hot dishes on the menu include dim sum, a variety of soups and stir fries.

If you are planning to travel to Caeserea this summer, go and give Binyamina a try.


Kosher Rabbanut Binyamina



About the author

Yehudah Jacobs

Yehudah Jacobs is a 30-year-old food fanatic who is in digital marketing. He is a classically trained chef, and a renowned carnivore. Yehudah made the switch from the kitchen to the digital world so he can find trendy places to write about and share his recipes. You can find him traveling around Israel, trying to find a good beer while sharing it with his friends on his Facebook group "Israeli Foodies" and Twitter: @yudajacobs.