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Kosher Lists Pesach / Passover

Ultimate Kosher Pesach Restaurant List 2025 – Open Chol Hamoed Passover [v1]


As Pesach approaches, the number one question we get asked is what restaurants will be open over Chol Hamoed. It makes a lot of sense. With so many days of yom tov that include many home-cooked meals and cooking for crowds, it makes sense that Chol Hamoed offers a much-needed rest from the kitchen.

Below is a global list of restaurants that will be open over Chol Hamoed which will be continuously updated as the holiday approaches. As always, if we missed any restaurants, please let us know.

Major thank you to Michelle Saka – aka Miami Food Yenta – who helps us with research and distribution of this list.

Notes & Rules of the Passover Restaurant list:

Before diving into the list below, please note the following:

  1. We will be continuously updating this list through the first days of chol hamoed (obviously not on chag), so check back and refresh this page.
  2. If you use an ad-blocker, we ask you kindly to turn it off for our website. Just allowing ads to appear will allow us to earn revenue for our hard work compiling information for you.
  3. All restaurants are kitniyot-free (outside of Israel), unless stated otherwise. This may not be the case in places with a high concentration of Sephardic Jews like France, Panama, and specific parts of NYC and LA, so double-check with each restaurant.
  4. It is highly advisable to call in advance to verify the hours of operation as well as make a reservation (if possible), as many of these restaurants will be in high demand, and some may only offer to-go or delivery options.
  5. The following list is not a recommendation of the restaurant or its kosher certification.
  6. Restaurants do not pay to be listed here. We will list any kosher restaurant that is open for Pesach Chol Hamoed in the world. Notice anything missing from this list? Email us at info [at] yeahthatskosher [dot] com
  7. For those traveling for the chag, here are halachic Yom Tov guidelines for hotel guests. Click to read more.
  8. To receive our email updates about kosher restaurants and kosher travel tips & advice, subscribe here.
  9. Need kosher for Passover products delivered to you? Amazon has a whole K4P store.

    This list is compiled and published due to the research of the YeahThatsKosher team, MiamiFoodYenta, as well as research from Great Kosher Restaurants, and the YeahThatsKosher global community. Thank you!


Coming soon.


This list is being updated daily.


This list is being updated daily.

Annie’s KitchenCityStateKitniyot Status
Pesach Meals @ Beverly HIlls KosherLos AngelesCANo
Kokoa BakeryAventuraFLNo
Yummy Frozen YogurtAventuraFLNo
Meat BarBay Harbor IslandsFLNo
Ovo at the AltairBay Harbor IslandsFLNo
Ditmas BocaBoca RatonFLNo
The WBoynton BeachFLNo
Alma GrillHallandale BeachFLNo
Açai BrazilHollywoodFLNo
Cafe NoirHollywoodFLNo
Dikla Delicious (GF Bakery)HollywoodFLNo
Ostrow Brasserie <<MiamiFLNo
41 Miami / Kosher Mosher (Tower 41)Miami BeachFLNo
China BeachMiami BeachFLNo
Fleisch 41Miami BeachFLNo
Glatt Miami (Mimosa Aparments)Miami BeachFLNo
Ice Cream Factory (fka The Frieze)Miami BeachFLNo
Nana Beach Club (Seacoast Towers) <<Miami BeachFLNo
Pita LocaMiami BeachFLNo
SilanMiami BeachFLNo
Bubby’s Fish & ChipsNorth Miami BeachFLNo
KrudoNorth Miami BeachFLNo
The Sweet ToothNorth Miami BeachFLNo
Yummy Frozen YogurtNorth Miami BeachFLNo
Lev Cuisine @ the MarenasSunny IslesFLNo
Ben B CocoWynwoodFLNo
Pure Cold PressBrooklineMANo
Chickies (American Dream Mall)E. RutherfordNJNo
Fair Lawn RoadhouseFair LawnNJNo
Fruits by PeshaBrooklynNYNo
Urban PopsBrooklynNYNo
The Cheese StoreCedarhurstNYNo
Urban PopsLong BranchNYNo
EighteenNew YorkNYNo
La BrochetteNew YorkNYNo
Le MaraisNew YorkNYNo
Shwarma ShabaziNew YorkNYNo
Taam TovNew YorkNYNo
Talia SteakhouseNew YorkNYNo
Annie’s KItchenQueensNYNo
Malek’s BakeryRochesterNYNo
Holy Smokes Pop Up @ VanderbiltNashvilleTNNo

About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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