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Israel News

New Kosher Restaurant in the Golan Heights: Roshfeld

Celebrity chef Yonatan Roshfeld, owner of the Herbert Samuel restaurant at the Ritz Carlton Herzliya, has recently opened a kosher restaurant in Northern Israel near the base of Har Hermon, near the Hermon ski resort and Syrian border. The restaurant is called Roshfeld, paying homage to himself.

Roshfeld has opened a dream restaurant that showcases local cuisine through seasonal vegetables and locally grown produce. Menu items include dishes like pumpkin ravioli, locally grown seabream with black lentil lasagna, fresh lamb chops cooked on an open fire, and much more. Although the prices are on the higher end, the culinary experience is worth the cost.

Roshfeld is located at Moshav Neve Ativ in Israel. The restaurant is approximately 15 mins from the Har Hermon ski resort area in the northern Golan Heights.

It is kosher-certified by the local Rabbanut.

Roshfeld is open Sunday-Thursday 6pm-10:30pm.

Thank you to Yehudah Jacobs (@theisraelifoodie) for compiling this article.

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