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New York News

Cafe Roma is ‘Reopening’ Weekly PopUp at Columbia University

After a years long stint on the Upper West Side, when Cafe Roma closed its doors this past winter, it was a major loss for the Manhattan neighborhood. For Columbia University students, Cafe Roma was the one of the closest kosher restaurants to campus.
The restaurant recently announced that they will be doing a quasi return to business by operating once weekly out of the Kraft Center, the hub of Jewish student life at Columbia.

Beginning this past week, on September 29th, pizza will be available for purchase on the 2nd floor of Kraft from 12pm-3pm.
A Columbia/Barnard ID card is currently required for entrance to the Kraft Center. It remains unclear if this will affect non-affiliates from purchasing pizza.

Cafe Roma will be open inside the Kraft Center at 606 West 115th St, New York, New York.

The cafe will operate on Thursdays from 12pm-3pm.
Please note that Cafe Roma will be cash only.

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