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New Kosher Certification for Hummus and Friends in Berlin, Germany

Hummus + Brussel Sprouts at Hummus & Friends [image by @henrickles on Instagram]
Hummus & Friends, an eatery in Berlin, is now under a new kashrut authority. All hummus is made from chickpeas imported from the Galilee.

In addition to the different varieties of hummus on the menu, there are also tapas, salads, soups, and dessert. Tapas include aubergine, garlic dip, roasted cauliflower, zucchini and quinoa, 3 different kinds of roast potatoes, stuffed peppers, and tomato with bulgur.


Top your meal off with a bittersweet walnut cake for dessert.

An extensive menu with different kinds of red and white wines, juices, and beers is available.

Hours of operation are Sunday-Saturday 11am-12am.

Hummus & Friends is certified by KAJ Berlin.


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  • Hours of operation are Sunday-Saturday 11am-12am. Hummus & Friends is certified by KAJ Berlin. different kinds of red and white wines
    What ever happened to Shabbat? KAJ Berlin is an ‘Orthodox’ supervision?

  • Open on Shabbat – like most “kosher” restaurants in Berlin. Only exception is the restaurant in the Chabad House

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