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New York News Yeshiva Week

NOW OPEN: Kosher Dunkin’ Donuts in Washington Heights (near Yeshiva University)

kosher-dunkin-donuts-washington-heights-nyc-YUUPDATE: This Dunkin Donuts is now open! (Hashgacha confirmed, see below)

Anytime a kosher Dunkin Donuts opens up is pretty exciting, but the news of a kosher Dunkin Donuts has the students of Yeshiva University (YU) and the surrounding “young couples community” buzzing for weeks now!

Under the hashgacha of Rav Aaron Mehlman, this Dunkin Donuts will be completely kosher, so you can get a donut (or bagel! Or croissant! Or muffin!) with your morning coffee.

Located at the corner of 185th Street and Audobon Avenue, this DD location will likely become both a caffeine fix for the student planning an all-nighter half a block away in the YU library, as well a social gathering place for those less inclined to spend their nights studying for exams.

kosher dd
Opening Morning @ the Kosher DD

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