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Canada Europe Kosher Cruises Travel Deals USA

DEAL: Kosher Cruise to ALASKA or the BALTICS! has partnered with to offer you …

a 15% discount on two of their upcoming SUMMER 2011 Cruises: ALASKA (August 14-21) & The BALTIC SEA (August 21-28)*


The Alaska Cruise leaves from Vancouver, British Columbia on Sunday August 14th, and arrives back to Vancouver on Sunday August 21st. See the Itinerary on the right:

If you choose to get off the magnificent Celebrity Century cruise ship, the ports of call include: Juneau, the rugged capital of Alaska; Ketchikan, where we’ll view and experience the Misty Fjords; and the Hubbard Galcier.


The Baltic Sea cruise leaves from Copenhagen, Denmark on Sunday August 21st, and arrives back in Copenhagen on Sunday August 28th. See the Itinerary on the right:

If you choose to get off of the amazing Costa Atlantica cruise ship, ports of call include: The beautiful Stockholm, Sweden, the rustic and medieval Tallinn, Estonia, and the captivating St. Petersburg, Russia.

*This discount is effective today through March 31, 2011.

The discount is for cabin only fare based on the published fares on our site. Taxes, gratuities and port charges are additional and not subject to discounts. Additionally, the per person published fares are based on double occupancy, and the discount is valid only for the first 2 people in the room. However, typically cabins hold up to 4 people in a room and the third and fourth person fares are less expensive but are not discountable (this is if peoplewant to pile in to save money). To obtain the discount, passengers must mention the code “kosher digital”.

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About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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