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Founded by Dani Klein in 2008 after an extended trip through Northern Europe, is a blog aiding the kosher traveler. Our posts are designed to assist Jewish travelers with unique travel tips & advice as well as personal Kosher restaurant recommendations as they traverse the globe. is an innovative project intended to harness the powers of the social web, bringing together Kosher travelers to share their experiences eating and exploring the world. If you have a kosher travel story or experience, please consider sharing it by writing for

*Disclaimers: does not claim to be a replacement for regular travel guides, nor does it claim to be a halachic authority on Kashrut. This site is an additional resource for Kosher observant travelers. If you have a question or concern about Kosher or halachic issues, please consult your local Orthodox rabbi.

All Advertising and Sponsorship content on are noted within posts.

More about Dani Klein, Founder of

Due to the lack of global kosher resources on the web, Dani saw the need in creating this crowd-sourced site. His difficulties finding Kosher food while traveling and his vast network of Jewish connections served as an impetus to start this site. Dani’s love for geography and aspirations to see the world push him to improve these resources for the global Jewish community.

Dani holds an MBA in Marketing from Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business, and is currently the Social Marketing Strategy Lead at MediaCom in NYC. To learn more about Dani, visit Dani is currently living in New York area.


Creative Commons License by Dani Klein – is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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