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New York News

New Kosher Stand @ NYC’s Bryant Park Winter Market: Babka Bailout

There’s a Kosher stand at Bryant Park’s Winter Market in NYC this season: Babka Bailout.

This newly kosher-certified bakery makes fun-flavored babkas and borekas. This is the only kosher-certified stand at the market serving food you can eat there. There is also a Spice Professor stand at the market that sells kosher-certified products but no food to eat, only spices. (To locate kosher restaurants near Bryant Park, download our YeahThatsKosherNearMe app to your Apple or Android device.)

The origin story of the business dates back a few years to the pandemic, with the founder, Michal, baking as a way to raise funds for those close to her who lost their income. What started as a charity eventually became a place of employment for those who lost their jobs due to the lockdowns.

Babka Bailout is kosher certified by the local orthodox rabbi in Jersey City, NJ (where the bakery is located) – Rabbi Netanel Reed of Cong. Mount Sinai. The majority of products from Babka Bailout are kosher dairy חלב סתם Cholov Stam. Any vegan or pareve products are DE.

You can find their stand in the Bryant Park winter market in the SW corner of the park closest to 6th Ave & W40th st.

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About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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