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Bahamas News

New Eruv Constructed at Baha Mar Resort

Announced today, the Baha Mar resort in Nassau, Bahamas, now has a full eruv put up by the local Chabad that fully surrounds the entire resort, including all three hotels. Baha Mar made huge waves over the last few years by opening an upscale kosher restaurant on property, as well as a kosher cafe and a Cholov Yisroel kosher food truck. Here’s an entire guide to staying at and keeping kosher at Baha Mar.

Here’s the announcement from Chabad emissary, Rabbi Sholom Bluming, about the new eruv:

Dear Friends,

It is with great pleasure that we announce, for the very first time an Eruv has now been completed around the Baha Mar resort. This includes the areas of the three hotels, the Rosewood, Hyatt and SLS. The creation of this Eruv will allow guests to carry freely around the property over Shabbos.

We thank Rabbi Bluming of Chabad of the Bahamas for his tireless efforts in creating the Eruv and recognize the incredible amount of work that went into making it a reality.

We are also deeply grateful to the Baha Mar management for their cooperation and assistance in building the Eruv.

The Eruv project is dedicated in loving memory to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OB”M, who was instrumental in growing Chabad’s global reach around the world, including here in the Bahamas.

The Chabad Bahamas Eruv committee.


  1. Does the Eruv cover the entire property? – Yes everywhere on the Baha Mar property.
  2. Is the beach included? – No, one may not carry on the beach starting on the sand or on the boardwalk.
  3. How would I know if the Eruv is up on a certain week? – In the subject of the Baha Mar Minyan chat on WhatsApp there will be a note added if the Eruv is down.
  4. How can I contribute towards the upkeep of the Eruv? –

If you are using the Eruv, please let the front desk know how important it was in your decision to come, to stay over the weekend, and to consider returning.

The staff of the Baha Mar, along with Chabad, worked tirelessly for months to make this a reality. Let’s ensure they know how vital it is to us, to their business, and to their future success.

Other Shabbos Issues

Rabbi Bluming has also shared tips to avoid certain automatic sensors on the property over Shabbos:

How to exit your room to the Hyatt lobby on Shabbos.


Use the exit steps down to the 7th floor; on the 7th floor you will see an exit to the outside where the spa is, take those outdoor steps and go down to the pool level there you will find a door on your immediate left that will take you back inside to the lobby of the Hyatt.


From your room, use the exit steps (stairway across room -16 ie 816, 916 etc)
use those steps down to the 3rd floor, exit and you will walk down the hallway to a door that will lead you into the casino/lobby. (signs will direct you)

Additionally, the front check-in desk of the Hyatt/SLS/Rosewood has special magnets that can be used to prevent your room door from closing on Shabbos.

Grand Hyatt Baha Mar

About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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