A new kosher food truck has opened up in the greater Modiin area known as Kababfel.
The kosher food truck scene in Israel is really growing and new, unique options seem to be popping up constantly.
At Kababfel, located in the Shilat shopping center, you will find two types of kebobs, meat, and chicken, either served in a freshly baked pita or on a plate with fried onions, grilled tomatoes, and hot peppers.
The eatery is very affordable and a great spot for a quick bite after some grocery shopping.
>>> Click here for the full menu (Hebrew)
Thank you to Yehudah Jacobs (@theisraelifoodie) for compiling this article.
Kababfel is located at the Mega Or Shilat Center. It is kosher certified by Rabbanut Modiin.
Kababfel is open from 11am-8pm.