The current situation in Ukraine is devastating to hear and read about. As millions of people hide in bomb shelters and flee the country, many Jewish, not profit organizations (NGOs) have stepped up to provide support to Ukrainians in need. By supporting any of the below organizations you’ll know that your dollars are going to those that need it most.
- CHABAD has 200 couples supporting 200-350,000 Jews in Ukraine. These emissaries are both helping those who can’t leave the country and also assisting those fleeing west.
>> DONATE TO CHABAD << - The Jewish Federation of North America is supporting a number of local Jewish orgs on the ground there, both in providing needed supplies, and by helping Jewish Ukranians make Aliyah to Israel.
>> DONATE TO JFNA << - Tikvah Children’s Home is a large Jewish orphanage in Odessa with hundreds of Jewish children run by a Chabad rabbi since 1993, currently remaining in the country during the Russian invasion.
>> DONATE TO TIKVA << - Providing both humanitarian aid and Aliyah assistance to Ukraine’s Jews, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is a longstanding 501c3 organization in the US and also a recognized charity in Canada.