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Kosher Wines Shipped to You Before Rosh Hashana & Sukkos

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Whether you’re traveling to Florida, California, or staying home for the chagim, you want to make sure you have your favorite wines at your meals. Your Rosh Hashana and Sukkos tables shouldn’t go without Malbec, Pinot, or even Moscato for dessert. has the largest selection of Kosher wines in the US and can ship anywhere in the country to make sure you have what you need before the holidays. (Although those Texas have missed its deadline to order for Rosh Hashanah, but it’s not too late to order for Sukkot!)

kosher-wines-wide-arrayFind the very best kosher wines from Israel, Italy, France, California, New Zealand, and more.

Additionally, I recommend taking advantage of their sales, specials, and cases, which come at a discount.


Here’s a selection of those cases currently on sale. Additionally, I encourage you to browse around on their website to find the exact bottle that will complete your meal:  — SCROLL DOWN FOR SHIPPING DATES TO GET YOUR WINES ON TIME

  • Casa Del Cielo Mixed Case — ultimate value ($12 saving before coupon discount)
  • The limited time, and very popular, Rosh Hashanah Mixed Case now on sale (only until September 7).  Stock up for Rosh Hashanah and sukkot.  Mixed cases start at $149 (shipped) and save an additional 5% with exclusive coupon code.
  • The Value Mixed case is a selection of wines, perfect for everyone you have at your Rosh Hashanah table.  There’s even a delicious Malbec/Syrah in the case. Great bargain at $149.99 so stock up and save.
  • For red wine lovers, the Mixed Red Case has your name on it. You’ll find a mix of Bordeaux blends and some of Israel’s finest wines, there’s a fine choice here of wine to love. The Bravdo Coupage 2011 is of our favorite wine in the case.
  • For those of you who admire the finest wines, you’ll love our Connoisseur’s Mixed Case12 highly rated wines for you to enjoy over Rosh Hashanah & Sukkot to share with your loved ones. We’ve got Flam, Dalton, and Castel among the wines featured in this case.
  • There are more than 150 wines on sale at including 10 wines with never-seen-before blowout pricing.
  • Crazy low pricing on Bravdo wines: Many bottles from Bravdo reduced by $9.



What are the wines you’ll be ordering for this chag? Comment below, we’d love to hear it!


About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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