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Kosher Restaurant Real Estate for Rent/Sale

The following is a list of currently available real estate that is perfectly situated for kosher restaurants. Some of these properties are or were former kosher restaurants, are in a heavily kosher observant neighborhood, or both.

The following spaces may be for rent/lease/sale and are listed by the property owner.

If you are interested in listing your property here please email us.

New York

1049 Broadway, WOODMERE
(5 Towns)

1049 Broadway

Located in the heart of the Woodmere business district, this space is a former cafe, already zoned for food & dining. For any business seeking to open a restaurant in the 5 Towns, it is imperative to find a space that is already zoned for this. The space is ~1100 sq. ft. with a full basement, as well as numerous free parking spaces behind the restaurant and on the street in front. The restaurant has 2 cooking areas, 2 pre-existing vents, and can seat ~45 diners.

ABOUT THE AREA: The 5 Towns has exploded in population in recent years, almost exclusively amongst the kosher-observant orthodox Jewish community. The area is comprised of middle-class to high-net-worth families within walking distance of the property. Nearby in Woodmere are the following kosher eateries: Gotta Getta Bagel, Pizza Pious, Hunkis Pizza Bar, and West Wing. The location is also within walking distance from Woodmere Lanes & Backstage, a popular evening entertainment space frequented by locals.

If you are interested in listing your property here please email us.

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