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Florida Kosher Lists Yeshiva Week

[MASTER LIST] Shabbos Meals Guide to Miami & South Florida 2024

Harding Ave in Surfside is a Kosher hub for diners with multiple Shabbat friendly options yearround

** Florida Shabbat List compiled by @MiamiFoodYenta **

Make sure you are following @MiamiFoodYenta on Instagram.
This list is republished with permission and is updated in coordination with MiamiFoodYenta.

Vacationing in South Florida is great because of all of the amazing kosher options. Sometimes there are too many kosher options to keep track of, and often the ones you want to take advantage of are sold out.

For Shabbat, there are several options from Miami to Boca Raton and many in between. These Shabbos kosher services include pre-paid dine-in options, pre-order & take-out, pre-order & delivery, and numerous takeout counters within supermarkets.

Important Note: The list provided here will be continuously updated.
Please bookmark & share this URL for the most accurate list:
This list is sponsored by Dunwell Catering.
The list below for 2024 is organized by meal type and ordered geographically by location, from North to South.
If you’re viewing this on your mobile device, the best way to view this is horizontally – turn your phone.


AromaTake Out Counter9200 Glades Rdaromamarket.netORB
Chana’s KitchenPre Order OnlyDelivery954-560-0185Sunshine State
DitmasPre Order Only21077 Powerline RdDitmasboca.comORB
Glick’s Kosher MarketTake Out Counter7351 W Atlantic Aveglickskoshermarket.comORB
GroveTake Out Counter22191 Powerline Rdgrovekosher.comORB
KC Market – BoyntonTake Out Counter3775 W. Woolbright RdCOMING SOONORB
MesubbimPre Order & Take-Out Counter7160 Beracasa Waymesubbim.square.siteORB
The FooderiePre Order & Take-Out Counter5651 Coral Ridge Drivefoodeiretakeout.comORB
Traditions SouthPre Order7000 W Camino Realzeke@traditionseatery.comORB
Winn-DixieTake Out Counter7024 Beracasa WayORB


Almani’sPre Order2836 Stirling Roadalmanis-catering.edan.ioORB
AromaTake Out Counter8819 Stirling Rdaromamarket.netORB
Breads & COTake Out Counter5978 SW 40th Aveorders@breadsandco.comCRC
Dolce HotelDine In by Reservation5510 S FL – 7COMING SOONORB
Gifted CrustPre OrderDeliverygiftedcrust.comORB
GroveTake Out Counter2889 Stirling Rdgrovekosher.comORB
HeimishPre OrderDeliveryheimishfl.comCRC & ORB
KC MarketTake Out Counter5650 Stirling Rdkoshercentral.comORB
Kosher from Z HeartPre Order4821 SW 29th Ave(305) 761-8422KM
Nava’s Kosher KitchenPre Order & Take Out Counter5021 S State Rd #7 #203954-588-3701ORB
Pala Mediterranian KitchenPre Order & Take Out Counter3317 Sheridan
Shibolim BakeryPre Order & Take Out Counter110 S Federal Highway954-613-3304ORB
Sylvia’s Kosher MarketTake Out Counter3294 Stirling Rd(954) 986-7949ORB


J Kosher MarketPre Order & Take-Out Counter300 West Hallandale305-735-4565KM
KC MarketTake Out Counter1110 E Hallandale Beach BlvdCOMING SOONORB
Kosher To GoTake Out Counter1011 W Hallandale Beach BlvdCOMING SOONORB


Carmel MarketTake Out Counter18514 W Dixie Highwaycarmelmarketaventura.comORB
CV CulinaryPre Order OnlyDelivery Onlycvculinary.comORB
Dip SanityPre Order Onlydelivery/ pick up786-646-7982KM
Gourmet HeimishPre Order Only2020 NE 163rd Stgourmetheimishmiami.comKM
Kosher KingdomTake Out Counter3017 NE 199th Stkosherkingdom.comKM
Lchaim FishPre Order & Take Out Counter1191 NE 175th Streetlcahimfish.square.siteKM
Lili’s Prime CateringPre Order OnlyDelivery Only786-277-1351 305-748-8676KM
Prime Grill AventuraPre Order Only2958 NE 199th Streetprimegrillusa.comORB
Sarah’s TentTake Out Counter3565 NE 207th Stsarahstentkoshermarket.comKM
Soho Kosher DeliTake Out Counter19004 NE 29th Avesohokosherdeli.comKM
South Florida Kosher MarketTake Out Counter1324 NE 163rd Stmykoshermarket.comKM
Temptings by CindyPre Order Only17601 NE 7th Place305-467-4506KM
Winn-DixieTake Out Counter20417 Biscayne BlvdORB
Yes! MarketTake Out Counter555 NE 167th Streetyesmarketmiami.comORB


AM / PM Kosher MarketTake Out Counter18220 Collins Aveampm_koshermarketORB


26 Sushi & TapasPre Order9487 Harding Ave26sushitapas.comKM
Backyard BBQDine In By Reservation9472 Harding Avebackyardbbqmiami.comKM
GroveTake Out Counter9467 Harding Avegrovekosher.comORB
Harbour GrillPre Order9415 Harding Avetheharbourgrill.comKM
Harbuor BistroPre Order & Takeout Counter9427 Harding Avetheharbourgrill.comKM
KoshDine In By Reservation9477 Harding Avethenewkoshmiami.comKM
Meat BarDine In By Reservation1009 Kane Concoursemeatbarrestaurant.comKM
New Time CateringPre Order & Take Out Counter2126 NE 123rd Stnewtimecatering.comKM
Ovo at the AltairDine In by Reservation9540 W. Bay Harbor Drinfo@thealtairhotel.comKM
So Heavenly CateringPre Order & Take Out Counter2228 NE 123rd Stsoheavenly.netKM


41 MiamiDine In By Reservation4101 Pine tree Drive41miami.comKM
Glatt MiamiPre Order & Dine In By Reservation4747 Collins Aveglattmiami.comMDK
Kosher PriceTake Out Counter460 W 41st Streetkosherpricemiami.comKM
Kosher Price 2Take Out Counter514 West 41st Street786-999-2299KM
M ExpressPre Order Only5005 Collins Avemexpresscatering.getsauce.comKM
Miami BoardsPre Order OnlyDelivery Onlymiamiboardsco.comKM
Pita Hut (MB Location only)Take Out Counter530 W 41st Streetpitahutmiami.comKM
Pita LocaTake Out Counter4017 Prairie Avepitaloca.comKM
SilanDine In By Reservation5225 Collins Avesilanmiami.comKM
Yes! MarketTake Out Counter555 West 41st Styesmarketmiami.comORB

About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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