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Israel Travel Deals

Fly Alitalia from Tel Aviv to NYC for Under $600 with Tax!

Just saw this posted to and had to share this deal from Alitalia:


This deal is bookable right on the Alitalia USA site.

Use the following “E-Coupon” code for 25% off on the page after selecting your desired flights: "SPECIAL"

25% off rules: Travel must be booked by 10/26 and begin between 11/05/12 and 03/27/13. Blackout dates are 12/20/12-01/06/13.

Departing from Tel Aviv to JFK on many dates from November through March, like 01/13-01/20 for example, will be just $590.55 after 25% off the current sale price of $787.40.

Departing from Tel Aviv to Toronto on 01/14-01/23 for example the price will be $605.78 after the 25% off coupon.

Departing from Tel Aviv to Miami will run about $651.

Departing from JFK to Tel Aviv will run about $764 with tax.

Departing from Miami to Tel Aviv will run about $729 with tax.

Also, be sure to use the ITA Software to help you find the best deals. Most prices will end up being ~$700 — which is still a great deal!

Thank you Dan for sharing.


About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.

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