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Jerusalem Cafe Opens in Siberia!

Interior of Jerusalem Cafe
Interior of Jerusalem Cafe
Rabbi Zalman Zaklos and his wife Miriam, Chabad Emissaries and chief Rabbi of Novosibirsk, Siberia have opened the area’s first and only kosher restaurant in this area of central Russia.

The opening is made more compelling for the fact that Zaklos’s grandfather, Moshe Vishedsky, was exiled to Siberia in 1949 for his clandestine Jewish activities. The Rabbi and his wife have been serving the community for the past 15 years and hope the restaurant will flourish as a meeting place for the kosher keeping population, and a place to affirm their Jewish heritage with others who are also keeping kosher.

Food at the opening of Jerusalem cafe
Food at the opening of Jerusalem cafe
The restaurant will feature fish, poultry, and beef dishes; all subsidized by the local community centre, making it an affordable option for those endeavoring to eat out.


About the author

Dani Klein

Dani Klein founded YeahThatsKosher in 2008 as a global kosher restaurant & travel resource for the Jewish community.

He is passionate about traveling the world, good kosher food / restaurants, social media & the web, technology, hiking, strategy games, and spending time with his friends & family.